Another Sunday in the books. Not saying I am turning a blind eye towards episodes 17-22 to get to Negan’s backstory episode in episode 23, but I am… This episode was a good one in my opinion. The only prediction I got right was Aaron playing Russian Roulette but I’ll get into that later. This episode was probably the best one so far because of Gabriel’s speech in the middle of the episode. He got back into his priest days with the sermon he said to Aaron. On deck is the Commonwealth stuff with Ezekiel, Eugene, Yumiko, Princess, and the “stormtroopers” which will definitely be connected to the season 11 story line, but back to episode 19…
I think the episode kind of calls back the season 4 episode 14, “The Grove” with Carol telling Lizzie to look at the flowers because in the beginning scene you see beautiful flowers getting destroyed by Aaron’s and Gabriel’s walker kills. The duo are trying to get supplies for Alexandra’s using Maggie’s map that she gave to them. All the areas that they went to had no luck and had nothing to offer. You saw that the building that was supposed to be there in the beginning of the episode burned to the ground. Gabriel proceeds to say, “Two More.” They find an abandoned store but it also had no luck. Aaron now visibly upset and frustrated wants to go back home because he misses his daughter Gracie, but Gabriel says “One More” and heads to the last location on Maggie’s map, the water tower.
On the way to the water tower they get swarmed with walkers and Maggie’s map is ruined. Gabriel wants to keep going and claims that he knows the map from memory but they ultimately decide to head back home. On the way home they discover an abandoned warehouse (not on Maggie’s map). They go inside and find a lot of things. They find a wild boar and an expensive bottle of whiskey. After a few drinks, Aaron and Gabriel play some poker, cook the boar, and Gabriel gives Aaron a sermon about how he first got into priesthood. During Gabriel’s sermon he says the best quote of the season 10C so far saying, “Evil people aren’t the exception to the rule, they are the rule.” Gabriel falls asleep but wakes up to see Aaron missing and him held up at gun point by a mystery man. This man was listening to all of their actions all night. We find out that Aaron was taken captive by this man and is tied up to a chair.
We find out the mystery man is named Mays. He is played by the stunning Robert Patrick. He tells Gabriel and Aaron his backstory about how his brother ate the last of his food and tried to kill him. He tells them that all men are selfish and will do anything they have to do in order to survive. Mays now orders them to play Russian Roulette, with a twist. They can either shoot themselves in the head for their turn or shoot one another for their turn, trying to prove his point about selfishness. Aaron and Gabriel never stop shooting themselves in the head but the bullet never comes. Near the end of the game, Aaron tries to convince Mays that everyone is not all like that and he can come back to Alexandra with them if he stops this. During Aaron’s speech, Gabriel kills Mays with Aaron’s prosthetic arm, “club”. After Gabriel kills him, Aaron is completely shocked because this proves Mays’ point that all people are selfish and will do anything to survive.
After killing Mays, Gabriel and Aaron find Mays’ hiding spot in the warehouse roof. They find his brother captive and alive. They realize that this story was obviously a lie. They also see the rest of Mays’ family already dead and “zombified.” Gabriel unties Mays’ brother but it is too late because he is too far gone and just kills himself. Gabriel and Aaron leaves the warehouse with no supplies, just a greater friendship and bond. The ending scene is them seeing the water tower in the distance and the “one more” location they were looking for in the first place…
I personally liked this episode the best one out of the three we saw. I liked Aaron’s and Gabriel’s character development and friendship in this episode. I thought it really grew and I hope to see their relationship grow even more in the upcoming episode and season 11. In my opinion, I don’t think The Walking Dead will kill anyone major in season 10C so I am just waiting for season 11 to see what happens with everyone. I thought that Gabriel was going to die in season 10B but he survived, so maybe he will die in season 11. I thought that episode 19 had the most action of the episodes. However, it was not a perfect episode. Most of the episode felt like filler, even though its not really its fault. I just have to come to the realization that 80% of season 10C is going to be filler. With all that being said, I give season 10 episode 19, “One More” 4 stars out of 5! Lets see what episode 20 will have in store. I know that the episode highlights Daryl and Carol so lets see if they mended their relationship at all from episode 18, but check out my thoughts and preview for that episode on Wednesday!