The Walking Dead: World Beyond is the second spin-off show in the Walking Dead franchise. It was a two season standalone series that had multiple connections to the CRM (Civic Republic Military) and the disappearance to Rick Grimes. It follows a group of young people who never, or barely, knew the world before the apocalypse happened. I will admit that I did not watch the first season and I was late to watch the second season because of it. The only reason why I tuned into the second season was because Jadis was going to return to the franchise and she is the key to Rick Grimes' disappearance and where he is today. Although the show focuses on the CRM, the ending of the show also presented possible opportunities for crossovers with upcoming shows and movies, even a cameo from a Walking Dead character that we haven’t seen since season 1 of the original show…
The Characters could Meet Michonne
Michonne was last season in season 10 in the main show, after she went after Rick. She was written off in the show but is expected back for the Rick Grimes movies. Michonne was traveling between Virginia and New Jersey when she ran into a large group of people heading north. The CRM is located in Philadelphia or New York. This is not far off where Michonne is going to go. There was a group that was going to Portland. This can provide World Beyond to keep connecting to the movies and keep to my theory that all of the shows (Walking Dead, Fear, and World Beyond) are all going to connect and the Rick Grimes storyline is going to conclude with the third movie with characters from the whole Walking Dead universe.
What Jadis was up to since season 9
Jadis was the leader of the Junkyard (Trash people) but before that, she was apart of the CRM. After the Junkyard fell, she needed a reason to go back to the CRM and had to trade people to make this happen. She has been helping them by secretly sending all kinds of people there for many years prior to that. She would trade an “A” of a “B”, depending on who it is. She traded Rick Grimes to get back into the CRM equation. She became the new leader of sorts of the CRM that those at the very top could trust to run things. She is the key that connects it all together to Rick Grimes and the whole Walking Dead storyline. Behind him, she is the most important character in the show…
Dr. Jenner Returns
Yes, Dr. Jenner returned in the show in the end credit scene. We have not seen him since season 1 (2010) in the original show, telling Rick that everyone has the zombie virus, no matter how you die. He told Rick the famous quote, “The day will come when you won’t be”. In World Beyond, he implied that the virus began as part of lab research. He also suspects that the zombie virus could mutate. He is shown saying something about "variant cohorts" that he hadn't yet seen in the U.S. That means that there could be a different strain of undead in other locations around the world. After announcing this set of information, a doctor is shot in the head by the gunman. The French doctor reanimates and goes straight for the door, banging and pounding with a strength, something we have not seen before in The Walking Dead universe.
CRM and the Connection to Rick Grimes
Most of the majority of people were only watching World Beyond was because it connected to the disappearance to Rick Grimes. The last time we saw Rick Grimes was in season 9 after he was picked up in the CRM helicopter with Jadis. Jadis traded someone she brought into the CRM that gained her favor and helped her secure her high-ranking position, which is most likely Rick. She also notes that she lied about him being a "B" instead of an "A" since the "As" are the ones that CRM wants to lock up and study. Rick was never seen in the show but we can conclude that Rick was a “B” and was definitely traded by Jadis. The first movie is going to be about how Rick Grimes can’t get out of the CRM and the process of Jadis trading people. Not to go down this rabbit hole but remember Heath in season 6. Many fans, including myself are calling that Heath also got traded by Jadis and he will be in the movies with Rick Grimes since we have never seen the official death of this character. Heath was last seen in season 7, if you do not count Michonne's hallucinations in her last episode in season 10, when Heath walks into a bedroom at the satellite outpost with Glenn.