Welcome back to The Bosox Bombas presented by The Daily Goat! The “best trio on The Daily Goat” is back at it again! This week we are joined by our intern, Nick Mazz. Since it is "Bo-tober" we are talking about some scary stuff to begin the podcast. We recap our trip to a haunted house. We also give you our review of the number one scariest haunted house in the country, McKamey Manor (1:30). Then we all go over our biggest fears (11:03). Then Mazz enlightens us about all of the different dimensions in life and his take on the whole thing (20:54). To end off on the scary notes, we read off the other conspiracy theories that we started last episode (27:49). Then we switch to sports by recapping Tom Brady's reunion to Gillette Stadium and Bucs vs. Patriots game (34:25). To end the podcast, Justin and Peter preview and give our predictions for the American League Wild Card game between the New York Yankees and the Boston Red Sox (40:38)!
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Instagram: Instagram.com/thebosoxbombas
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Discord: https://discord.gg/yMGPydCMnR
TikTok: Tiktok.com/thebosoxbombas
Twitch: Twitch.tv/thebosoxbombas
Justin's Twitter: twitter.com/justpom20
Peter's Twitter: twitter.com/peteralves52
Nick’s Twitter: twitter.com/nc_random
Anchor: anchor.fm/thebosoxbombas
Apple (rate us 5 stars!): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-bosox-bombas/id1547375597
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2CRY0OM0MGIbqKMVGFVxOc