Welcome back to The Bosox Bombas presented by The Daily Goat! This week is all about our interviews with people that want to be the third co-host of this podcast. We have six people in total that we interviewed. Some made an application, that we went over in episode 32, but some people are new that have not filled one out. However, before we get to the interviews we tell you about our new merch that we are dropping that involves our new mascot "Bo" (0:34). Then, we get into the interviews! We ask them a variety of questions. The questions range from why do you want this position to what is your favorite rock. We interviewed Erik Gongas (5:03), Nick Carter (17:31), Nick Mazz (28:59), Matt Carpenter (38:45), Matt Cunha (45:39), and Jake Golding (51:35). We even offer one of the interviewees an intern position for our show!
If you want to buy a Bosox hoodie or want more information about it, please DM our Instagram or Twitter page today! Act fast, we will stop orders by September 8th!
Twitter: Twitter.com/thebosoxbombas
Instagram: Instagram.com/thebosoxbombas
Discord: https://discord.gg/yMGPydCMnR
TikTok: Tiktok.com/thebosoxbombas
Twitch: Twitch.tv/thebosoxbombas
Justin's Twitter: twitter.com/justpom20
Peter's Twitter: twitter.com/peteralves52
Anchor: anchor.fm/thebosoxbombas
Apple (rate us 5 stars!): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-bosox-bombas/id1547375597
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2CRY0OM0MGIbqKMVGFVxOc