Welcome back to The Bosox Bombas presented by The Daily Goat! This week is the final week of the interview process to find out who will be the third co-host of The Bosox Bombas and we officially be the "greatest trio" again! We want to thank everyone that came on last week's episode but we congratulate Nick Carter and Jake Golding by making it to the final stage. This week they are going debate style to see which one is best fit to become co-host. Peter, Justin, and new intern, Nick Mazz, will judge them on their answers, presentation, and creativity. We asked them questions like what is your biggest strengths and weaknesses, who you would call out, and what their favorite food was. At the end of the show, we all give you our takeaways from NFL week 1 and who we think will be in the American League Wild Card game.
Twitter: Twitter.com/thebosoxbombas
Instagram: Instagram.com/thebosoxbombas
Discord: https://discord.gg/yMGPydCMnR
TikTok: Tiktok.com/thebosoxbombas
Twitch: Twitch.tv/thebosoxbombas
Justin's Twitter: twitter.com/justpom20
Peter's Twitter: twitter.com/peteralves52
Anchor: anchor.fm/thebosoxbombas
Apple (rate us 5 stars!): https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-bosox-bombas/id1547375597
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2CRY0OM0MGIbqKMVGFVxOc